
There's a resort and role to match everyone.
Guestroom roles
If you speak English confidently and fluently, we recommend these roles. You'll interact with guests daily, learning to handle various situations and solve problems.
Non-guestroom roles
If you feel your English needs improvement and you'd be more comfortable not speaking directly with guests, these roles are perfect for you. You'll get to practice your language skills with your international colleagues instead.
Guestroom roles
Hospitality-related roles
You'll be part of a team that contributes to the hotel's success and ensures guests have an unforgettable stay with fantastic service. Positions include server, barista, waiter assistant, and seating hostess.
The restaurant and related areas employ the most workers, making them the largest hiring department each year. Working in the kitchen and restaurant is a great opportunity for those who want to gain relevant experience and enjoy an exciting summer in an American hotel.

Recreation and outdoor roles
If you love sports and enjoy outdoor activities, this job is perfect for you. You can help organize hotel programs and various entertainment, sports, and relaxation activities, both outdoors and indoors. These hospitality positions involve daily interactions with guests and include roles such as lifeguard, tour organizer, and staff member assisting with outdoor programs.

Guest related jobs
These positions require strong English skills, confident communication, and a positive attitude. You'll face new challenges daily and be among the first people guests meet, representing the hotel and using English every minute of the day. Guestroom positions include roles such as reception, spa reception, and call center.

Non-guestroom roles
Culinary roles
The restaurant and its related areas employ the most workers, making them the largest hiring department each year. Kitchen and restaurant work offer a great opportunity for those looking to gain valuable experience and enjoy an exciting summer in an American hotel.

Hotel operations
The smooth operation of a hotel is a complex task that relies on the work of several departments. You can play a crucial role in keeping the hotel clean and running smoothly. These positions are not traditional hospitality roles, but you will still interact with guests and work within a large international team. Opportunities include roles in room cleaning, public area and spa cleaning, hotel laundry, maintenance, and gardening.

Find the perfect role for you.

Pocket money
The "Work and Travel" program is a cultural exchange initiative that gives young people the chance to work in the United States and then travel. This program isn't just about making money—it's about gaining unforgettable experiences. Why not do both at the same time? We ensure our applicants have incredible experiences while working and traveling across America, visiting places they once only dreamed of. Resort Leaders is the only company that offers a guaranteed minimum salary.